Magnetic Island has the most chill vibes.
Like, okay. Most island-life-types you run into tend to fall into 3 broad categories:
Maui, for instance, is very surfer. Hvar? Party island. Vancouver island - mostly working, ignoring the crazy surfers for now. Naxos - surfer/working.
And then, you have Magnetic Island. This place is bizarre. It's definitely not a party island - pretty much zero nightlife. No surfer culture - this close to the Barrier Reef the waves are tiny remnants of the great swells from whence they originated. Working life is the closest approximation - but it's chill vibes everywhere.
Nice sunrises,
The waxing crescent moon was visible right next to Venus this time too - which was beautiful to watch set over the sea.
Anyway. Leaving for Cairns tomorrow! Woo! I'm honestly bummed to be leaving this island, but Cairns will mark a huge spatial landmark on this drive.
Here's some pictures of bugs and birds
The sun gleams on the dusty black metal of the tank. I press the red switch. The engine dies. Silence ... doesn't quite reign - a car races by the hostel parking lot. A light breath of wind passes by. Made it.
When I first bought Stylo, there were 22750 kilometers on the odometer. I arrived in Cairns just chalking up to 27510. 4760 kilometers on the back of a motorcycle, just shy of 3000 miles total - roughly the same distance as a drive from Seattle to New York City.
Hell. Yes.
I am tired, sweaty, and my gluteus maximus is complaining.
Deeply satisfied.
Sleeping now. Tomorrow morning, I have shoes to shop for, philosophy to write, waterfalls to witness, emails to respond to ... and deeper things to talk about.
First, though, Stylo's aftershot:
I have a plan. Don't freak out.
I have a tent - snorkeling gear - a desire to finish Nicomachean Ethics - and a wish to see more of the Great Barrier Reef, away from the murky mainland shores.
I have just over a month before I need to be back in the States, and a rapidly emptying bank account. Open-water scuba certification is pretty expensive up here - around 1000 AUD, freediving and spearfishing courses ranging from 440 AUD on the low end to 990 on the high. Worthwhile if I wasn't heading back to Seattle so soon, where of course our waters are not as tropical as one might hope for and diving opportunities limited.
So. I'm left with only one logical recourse.
It's time ... to Become Tom Hanks.
Nah, not really, Tom Hanks is way too cool.
But, I've always loved the idea of deserted islands. I mean, who doesn't? You'd have an entire island to yourself - no worries except for living in the right-here-and-now. And dealing with sunburn. And storms. Bugs. Wandering saltwater crocodiles. Sharks. Pirates? Food stores.
Okay, some worries. But, camping on the Great Barrier Reef sounds like a big can of raw kickass awesome.
Thus, enter ...
... the Lady Musgrave Island - about as deserted as you're going to get without your own boat.
The campsite was ~21 AUD to book for 3 nights, and the 50 kilometer overwater transfer about 440 AUD total there and back. The boat leaves for the island at ~7:00 AM on the 28th, and returns 5:00 PM on the 1st of July.
Due to strict luggage requirements, I'll only be able to bring the swag - so everything I'm taking must be able to fit in it (except for ~20L of water).
I'm driving up to Cairns today and staying for two nights - until the 25th. So, I need to drive down to 1770 (again), the departure point of the boat, from the 25th to 27th - a 15 hour drive, 3 full days to do it on - so expecting about 5 hours per day. The first night, I'll hostel it up in Townsville - the second night, camp near Carmila, then the night of the 27th sleep in Seventeen Seventy again, in anticipation of a 5:30 AM loading.
I'll plan out a full perishables list on the 27th. While in Cairns, I'd like to pick up a pair of closed-toed sandals (for low-tide reef walking and as a replacement for my ailing budget boots), another wetsuit (other one didn't fit), and at least four cups of coffee (over two days) (in preparatory celebration, of course).
For now - it's time to prepare by watching Cast Away (2000) starring Tom Hanks.