Expand config files
Path: ~/.config/kitty/kitty.conf
At bottom:
include current-theme.conf
Path: ~/.config/kitty/current-theme.conf
## name: Alabaster Dark
## author: Nikita Prokopov
## license: MIT
## upstream:
## blurb: A dark color scheme adapted from Alabaster for the kitty terminal.
#: The basic colors
foreground #cecece
background #0e1415
selection_foreground #cecece
selection_background #293334
#: Cursor colors
cursor #cd974b
cursor_text_color #000000
#: URL underline color when hovering with mouse
url_color #cd974b
#: The basic 16 colors
#: black
color0 #000000
color8 #777777
#: red
color1 #e25d56
color9 #f36868
#: green
color2 #73ca50
color10 #88db3f
#: yellow
color3 #e9bf57
color11 #f0bf7a
#: blue
color4 #4a88e4
color12 #6f8fdb
#: magenta
color5 #915caf
color13 #e987e9
#: cyan
color6 #23acdd
color14 #4ac9e2
#: white
color7 #cecece
color15 #ffffff
#: kitty window border colors and terminal bell colors
active_border_color #777777
inactive_border_color #323738
bell_border_color #e97e57
#: Tab bar colors
active_tab_foreground #cecece
active_tab_background #0e1415
inactive_tab_foreground #b8b8b8
inactive_tab_background #323738
Expand config file
if status is-interactive
# Commands to run in interactive sessions can go here
alias code "codium"
alias e "exit"
alias python "python3"
alias venv ". /home/aethio/.venv/bin/"
function anotes-copy
command cp ~/.useful/latex/anotes-template.tex $argv
command mkdir images